The Beginnings of a new personal Identity..
Below is a template to copy and paste onto a Word document so that you can adjust it and add content to begin a creation of who you are. While you do it, ensure you're in a quiet place where you can think, reflect and sense what you feel as you write about your answers.
This helps beging to inform which areas might need changing or building upon, and it will highlight known future changes might be coming that are out of your control, such as children leaving home or our retirement.
The latter sections start to be very open and it might not be possible to complete these at this time.
You can even cast your mind back to what your ambitions were when younger and tick off some that are done already.
Who Am I ? .. Identity template
Current Facts
I'm a British woman aged xx
I have ___ sister/s and _____ brother/s who live near in _______________________ which is nearby / far away from where I live.
My siblings and I get on well/ don't see each other/ don't get on or _______________________________________
I'm from a working class/ upper class family and my parents jobs were __________________________________________
My parents also were
When growing up I lived in a rural community/ air bases/ on a council estate / inner city / moved around a lot.
After leaving school i studied or worked for _____________________ doing ______________________ until____________________
My relationship status is that I am...
Single by choice
Looking or not looking for a relationship
On my 1st/2nd marriage
I never married but been with someone for _____ weeks/ years
My paid work involves ______________________________ / I am retired or heading for retirement.
As a paid side hustle I ______________________
I live in a ...desirable township / deprived area/ rural community, city centre
I do my food shopping at __________________ but would prefer to shop at __________________
Pets: I have are ____________________________________________
I have x children / no children and they are under 5 / in primary school / senior school
To exercise I _________________________________
I buy clothes from _____________________________________
I / We own our own house and are mortgage free/ have a small mortgage/ have a large mortgage/ rent a small/ large house.
I drive a _______________________________
Regular activities I do are ________________________ (eg have nails done, swim on a Saturday morning)
Other important members of family in my life include ______________________________________________
Other important areas of life for me include ______________________________________________________
In my primary relationship we...
Watch movies & binge Netflix
Take old rellos out for dinner
Have takeaway nights with friends
Go on a cruise once a year
Work on the allotment together
Friends & Family .
With friends I like to _________________________________
EXAMPLES..Eat out, Watch movies, Go to the theatre, Visit spas, go on hking holidays
I see my family when _______________________________
The Past...
(1) In my work & Career I have done _______________________________________
(2) In Education I have learned or gained __________________________________
(3) Things I have achieved outside of education, business or employment include;
EXAMPLES: Ive learned to ride a horse, I had a blue belt in Karate
(4) What I have done in personal life (not work or career) that I have experienced the following activities but do not want to do them again;
EXAMPLES Line Dancing, Sky Diving, Gym Member, Hosting dinner parties for friends...
(5) Things I have done and still like to do...
EXAMPLES Dinners with mates, Theatre,
(6) Things I used to want to try but now I cannot or choose not to any more
EXAMPLES... Belly dancing, Helecopter flight
(7) General likes and interests I have always had and still have include;
EXAMPLES Nature, Science, pop music...
(8) If I had to watch documentaries for 7 days on the trot, I would choose documentares about ____________________________
The Future.. ​
If there were no restrictions I would...
'Travel Europe on my own'
'Open a bed and breakfast in Spain'
'Live off grid in the middle of a forest'​
Things I currently like to do include;
EXAMPLES: Live Concerts. eating out, reading novels...
I would like to in my possible future...
Holiday in Spain and Cyprus, Go on a cruise.
Things I would like to achieve...
Things I would like to own..
T​hings I might like to learn..
Places I might like to visit in the UK..
Foreign places I might like to visit;
.. Countries, Cultures or areas
Activities I might like to try.. Hot air balloon ride, swim with dolphins, do a nuclear power plant tour etc